Logo Masterorder App

Find the right lunch menu in your area, menus of different restaurants and learn about typical dishes from other countries


Digital COVID-19 registration voluntary for you as guest in an restaurant!


Digital restaurant finder and international menu on your mobile phone

Available everywhere on your smartphone

Find restaurants and lunch menus in your area

Ideal for your holiday and for tourists

Translations available in multiple languages

Regional dishes of at least 24 countries

Voluntary & digital COVID-19 registration

What is MasterOrder?

Hungry? And have no idea where to go?
Guess what, MasterOrder will help you!

Via MasterOrder you can look for restaurants, fast food stands and lunch offers in your area. This is especially useful if you are on the go and trying to satisfy your hunger in an area you are not particularly familiar with. It is also an ideal opportunity to get to know new restaurants and tickle your taste buds.

You would rather prefer picking up the food yourself? Via MasterOrder you will be able to order your desired food from a restaurant via SMS or WhatsApp.

An international menu in your pocket!

MasterOrder is also helpful for tourists and on holiday. Imagine you are sitting in a restaurant, the menu is only available in the local language and you have no idea what to order. Well, just take a look into the MasterOrder app, which provides information about typical dishes of at least 24 countries.

MasterOrder is a digital restaurant finder, as well as international menu for your next holiday. Designed with useful functions and usable everywhere on your smartphone.

Easy to use

The clean interface enables simple and intuitive operation.

Circumference search

Find restaurants, fast food stands and lunch offers in your area via map view.

International menu

For the most common holiday countries a variety of food and drinks are available in many languages.


Once you have added your desired dishes to your favorites, you can either show the order list to the service personnel on site or place an order for pickup via SMS or WhatsApp.

Logo Masterorder App

Your digital restaurant finder and international menu

Indispensable for your next holiday!

The MasterOrder App can be installed for free and tested without obligation.